Test for the LiveUser class

This example is intended to be used with the Auth/XML and the Perm/XML_Simple driver.

You only have to copy the files in this directory into your web root and configure the PEAR path in the example.php.

If you want to test this example in your local path with out installing LiveUser in PEAR on your server then uncomment these two lines in conf.php and point $path_to_liveuser_dir to live user dir :)

$path_to_liveuser_dir = './pear/'.PATH_SEPARATOR;
ini_set('include_path', $path_to_liveuser_dir.ini_get('include_path'));

NOTE the .xml files have to be chmod 757, i.e. others users need write read and execute permission

Go for it.

Login Data for this Example:

Handle Password
father father
mother mother
child child